Diocese of Rzeszów

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Rzeszów (Latin: Dioecesis Rzeszoviensis) is a diocese located in the city of Rzeszów in the Ecclesiastical province of Przemyśl in Poland. It was established as Diocese of Rzeszów from Diocese of Przemyśl and Diocese of Tarnów, on 25 march 1992. 

Area: 6 000 km2
Parishes: 244
Priests: 714
– Total: 600 995
– Catholics: 591 767


The Diocese of Rzeszów’s main office (Curia)

4 Zamkowa Str.,
35-032 Rzeszów (Poland)
Telephone: (+48) 17 852 44 19, fax 17 852 17 83
e-mail: kuria@diecezja.rzeszow.pl

Donate to Diocese of Rzeszów: PKO BP I O/Rzeszów 56 1020 4391 0000 6202 0078 3092


Diocesan Bishop: Bishop Jan Wątroba ThD 
Bishop emeritus: Bishop Edward Białogłowski ThD
Bishop emeritus: Bishop Kazimierz Górny M.Th.

Chancery Office


Fr. Prof. Piotr Steczkowski 
Telephone: 17 852 44 17
E-mail: kanclerz@diecezja.rzeszow.pl


Fr. Paweł Matuszewski JCD
Telephone: 17 852 44 19
E-mail: notariusz@diecezja.rzeszow.pl 

Notes: Chancery Office open Monday to Friday 9 am – 1 pm. Also Monday 2 pm – 4 pm (excluded: Summer holiday)

The Diocesan Tribunal

The Diocesan Tribunal in Rzeszów
Address: 4 Zamkowa Str.
35-032 Rzeszów (Poland)
tel. 17 852 44 15
fax 17 852 17 83
e-mail: sadbiskupi@diecezja.rzeszow.pl

The Vicar Judicial

Fr. Józef Kula JCD

The adjunct Vicar Judicial

Fr. Janusz Sądel JCD

Notes: Chancery Office open Monday to Friday 9 am – 1 pm. Also Monday 2 pm – 4 pm (excluded: Summer holiday)
